Lymphatic massage


Sthlm Lund

The lymphatic system is the body's cleaning system. It is controlled by our breathing and flows at its best when the body is relaxed.

What is lymphatic massage?

The massage that also goes by the name of MLD; manual lymphatic drainage is a calm and soft treatment method where you work with breathing, skin and connective tissue. With the help of deep breathing light pressures and deletions in the direction of lymph flow, the lymphatic system is stimulated to transport excess fluid and slag products effectively out of the body. For some problem areas, deeper grips and silicone pox are sometimes also used to dissolve more profound stops and scar tissue.

When should you go for lymphatic massage and lymphatic drainage?
A sluggish lymphatic system, oedema and congestion can be caused by stress, surgery, removal of lymph nodes during cancer treatment, old injuries (scar tissue), inactivity, hormonal imbalances, diet or medications that the body does not have time to clear out. It can also be congenital.

Massage the lymphatic system

It is a treatment type that suits everyone but especially you who have some type of edema, primarily or secondary after e.g. surgery, lip edema, fibromyalgia, restless-leggs, fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalance or general feeling of being swollen. Owl massage and wellness offers lymph massage in Stockholm, Gothenburg & Lund!

Click here to see our price list and an instructional video on how to buy clip cards.

Online price

50 mins
828 kr
75 mins
1238 kr
100 min
1386 kr

Lymph massage at Owl Massage & Wellness

Constant fatigue and unease. Pain all over the body. Swelling and numbness. Do you recognize yourself?
The stressful, hectic lifestyle that for many has become the daily bread does not allow us to be as kind to our body as we should be. And yet the body is constantly struggling to feel better, to get healthier – despite all the adversity we expose it to. The lymphatic system is an often forgotten but vital part of our immune system, and even that thrives on a little care now and then. That's why lymphatic massage exists. To help the body to help itself by stimulating the drainage of the lymphatic system. But what exactly is lymphatic massage? How does it work? And how can you benefit from that?

Are lymphatic massage and lymphatic drainage the same thing?

Lymphatic massage is also called manual lymphatic drainage (MLD). It is about a treatment method that focuses on connective tissue, skin and breathing. But soft, light pressures and ironings in a certain direction stimulate the lymphatic system to dispose of excess bag and other slag products effectively. After treatment, you feel cleaner and lighter in your body, stress decreases and you may feel more motivated to deal with your daily tasks. The reason why this is important has a lot to do with the preliminary function of the lymphatic system: to transport the lymph through the body to keep it clean of harmful elements and fight pathogens.

How the lymphatic system works

The blood vessels can be compared to a packed airport. Everyone who is there has the same goal: they want to be transported to their destination. This can sometimes cause queues and a lot of stress, but as soon as you arrive, this is forgotten. Then the airport has fulfilled its function. The blood vessels are also filled with thousands of different cells, all of which are to be delivered somewhere in the body. However, as is the case with the airport, it can easily be possible to let harmful elements pass by at just the speed. At the airport, this has been solved by now and then creating extra queues that go a little slower, where passengers are checked extra carefully before being let by. And it is this function that the lymphatic system fulfills: now and then a basic check is carried out to check that everything is working properly and no pathogens have penetrated. In the lymph nodes there are the lymphocytes, the cells belonging to the immune system. These remove harmful elements and old or damaged cells from the blood. The tonsils, bone marrow, spleen and thymus all have to do with the lymphatic system. Lymph is also found in the intestines, stomach and skin.

The lymphatic system also fulfils another important function: drainage of interstitial fluid. When blood is pumped through the smallest blood vessels, the capillaries, some of the liquid leaks out. In total, this amounts to up to three litres per day – an important proportion of the body's total blood volume. To prevent problems such as excessively low blood pressure, this fluid must be resumed and re-inserted into the circulatory system. Small lymphatic vessels scattered throughout the body drain this fluid.

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system has no central pump, but depends on the pressure of skeletal muscle movement. The vessels have small flaps that only allow the liquid to flow in one direction. Small vessels gradually discharge into larger vessels, and the lymph ends up being emptied into the bloodstream at the angle formed between the inner jugular vein and the clavicle vein. When the lymphatic system is sluggish, this can result in a general feeling of inertia that can also affect the person mentally. And that's when a lymph massage really comes into its own.

Lymph massage - What is it?

The purpose of the stimulation

The purpose of the lymphatic massage is to stimulate the lymphatic system and increase its rate. In this way, the amount of slag products that are cleared out of the body also increases, and you feel lighter and freer. The soft movements help the lymphatic system to transport the excess fluid away from the body's tissues and into the bloodstream, where it should be purified and continue on its way. Through constant, soft ironing and pressure in the right direction, the therapist wants to help the body move the extra fluid towards the lymph nodes, where it should be filtered and purified from toxins and other slag. These nodes are found along the large blood vessels of the abdomen, but also in the armpits, groin, jaw angles and behind the sternum.

Since many of the lymphatic vessels are located directly under the skin, the lymphatic massage must be a very soft treatment. The movements should be similar to the lymphatic system's own function, so you only need to press so hard that the skin moves a little in the direction of the lymph nodes. When the lymphatic massage is finished, you will experience than a feeling of lightness in the body that contributes to more energy and increased motivation for today's tasks.

How does lymphatic massage work?

The lymph massage consists of a combination of light, soft movements in the direction of the lymph nodes. Through light ironing and pressure, you want to get the lymph flowing, and this is combined with deep breathing and some deeper grips to dissolve fibrosis or stop. These movements have a pain-relieving, relaxing and de-stressing effect – perfect for those who have problems with numbness, swelling, fatigue or pain. Since the lymphatic vessels have flaps that lead the lymph in a single direction, it is important to know this to work with and not against the lymph. Too much pressure can also stimulate lymph flow in the wrong way: instead of speeding up circulation, the pressure will be perceived as a problem, and lymphatics will gather to combat it. Lymphatic massage on the face is especially sensitive: to avoid swelling and stagnation, daily lymph node and microstimulation are needed. Your therapist can provide you with advice on how to handle this at home. Spend a couple of minutes on the process every day and you will soon see a difference in your skin: it will be healthier and clearer.

There are special brushes you can use for your daily lymphatic stimulation routine. Here's how it should be: The movement begins just above the collarbone, and is repeated between 25 – 50 times. Remember that this is not a muscle massage: the movements must be light, soft and small. The movements continue from the center and outwards, and then follow the chin outwards and downwards. The face should be brushed from the center and outwards, and then microstimulated on the edge by a light rotation. When the forehead is brushed, any blockades are released, and the lymphatic port is opened. The lymph is finally directed in the right direction when the massage ends again at the starting point: just above the clavicle.

When you are going to get a complete lymphatic treatment, this must be performed by a trained therapist who knows how to work with gear pressure against the skin to get the lymphatic system flow going. Remember to do some deep breathing before the therapy begins, so that you become calmer and thus prepare your body for the treatment that can take up to 45 minutes.

Some customers experience unpleasant symptoms after a lymphatic massage, such as headache, nausea and dizziness. However, this is nothing to worry about as it only suggests that the body is trying to get rid of harmful elements collected by the interstitial fluid.

Who needs lymphatic massage?

You do, who suffers from a sluggish lymphatic system. Some of the symptoms of everything not being right are:

  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • tensions in the neck
  • Cellulite
  • swollen skin
  • fluid swellings

This is often due to a poor lifestyle: that you do not eat right or get too little exercise, you drink too little water or have a busy, stressful everyday life. Smoking and bowel problems can also contribute to a sluggish lymphatic system. You can alleviate this through the obvious: changing your habits. Other causes of problems with the lymphatic system can be blockages from scar tissue from old lesions, hormonal imbalance, medications that the body has not cleared out, congenital problems, or the removal of lymph nodes due to cancer treatment. Edema is a common condition that can be relieved with the help of lymph massage. It involves swelling somewhere in the body due to undilled lymphatic fluid that accumulated, and can be classified into the following categories:

  • Congenital (primary) edema is most often caused by an underdevelopment of the lymphatic system. It can be revealed at any time, from immediately after birth and up to the age of 35. Most common are edema in the legs that is manifested during adolescence due to triggers such as infections, insect bites, fractures, sprains or pregnancy. The symptoms that suggest primary lymphoedema are pain, reduced mobility, redness and a feeling of warmth and weight in the body part in question.
  • Secondary lymphedema may occur after burns, infections, parasites or trauma. It may also occur as a result of surgical procedures or radiotherapy. However, the most common form is caused by a tropical worm disease, filariasis. This possibility should always be considered when the cause of the edema is not recognized.
  • Lip edema is a painful disease characterized by symmetrical swelling of the legs or arms, uneven skin changes, bruising without apparent cause and deterioration in the distribution of adipose tissue. Hormonal changes at puberty, pregnancy or menopause are among the most common triggers for lip edema. Symptoms include increased swelling, cold skin due to impaired blood circulation, cellulite and hard, smaller fat balls under the skin.
  • Fibrosis occurs when skin, connective tissue and slag products grow together in the fatty tissue. This is quite normal when the body heals after an operation or an injury, but it can also occur spontaneously in case of diseases.

As a result, when the body swells, the patient's quality of life often deteriorates. Problems such as mental stress or reduced ability to work can be a cause for concern, as can complications such as infections of the skin or tissues. As a complementary treatment for these problems, and to relieve the pain often associated with edema in all its forms, in 1932 lymphatic massage was developed as therapy. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, the therapist must have good knowledge of physiology and anatomy, as well as know where the lymphatic system is usually blocked. Regular massage therapy can also be combined with other therapies such as:

  • Compression to increase interstitial pressure. This reduces capillary infiltration and increases the reabsorption of the lymph to the vein system. In severe cases of edema, pressure-distributing polishing and several layers of linden are used as bandages to quickly reduce the edema size. When it comes to compression parts, it is important that you should be able to care for them and put them on and off yourself.
  • Lymphpulsator therapy is a technique that can be applied at home, and which has been proven to have a limited effect during long-term treatment.
  • Surgical treatment may be considered when other therapies no longer have any effect. After liposuction, the entire area must be bandaged to prevent surgical swelling. Regular monitoring of the recovery process should take place – preferably only a few weeks apart.

Lymphatic massage against cellulite

Cellulite is the great horror of many people – but also sad reality. Hormone-based contraceptives, an unbalanced diet, habits such as smoking and excess alcohol intake, too much sugar in the diet and even a sedentary lifestyle are frequent factors that contribute to cellulite. Manual lymphatic drainage massage is far from the absolute solution to this aesthetic problem, but it can go a long way on the way to treatment. If you want to improve the appearance of your legs in a short time, the massage can help you: the feather-light touch helps the lymphatic system to start drainage and thus removes excess fluid from the legs. This can be illustrated with a dishwasher: if the water is not drained, layer upon layer of grease and other dirt will accumulate on the counter. Similarly, poor lymphatic flow can have undesirable consequences such as bacterial growth, inflammation and fibrosis, which cause swelling and can be mistaken for weight gain. When the lymphatic system gains momentum again, it will slowly but surely clear the body from all these toxins, which largely contributes to a healthier skin and a better general condition.

Other areas where lymphatic massage has a positive effect

Lymph massage also works quite well to provide relief in the following cases:
Swollen, sore feet. Who hasn't felt this at any point? After a long and hard working day, the shoes feel like they're too small. You can't wait to come home and take them off and maybe put your feet in some hot water in a vain attempt to get relief. Lymphatic massage then helps the body to resume the lymph, purify it and pass it on back into the blood circulation. If you are constantly suffering from swollen feet, you will experience an improvement within 3 – 4 weeks of this treatment – your therapist can help you determine how often you will need a session.
Nausea during pregnancy. Hormone changes during pregnancy mean changes in the way your body treats fluid retention. Lymphatic massage from the 3rd week of pregnancy can help your body regulate this phenomenon and relieve the swelling that usually occurs when birth is approached.
Scars. Lymphatic drainage massage can have a positive effect even on older scars, since the treatment activates the body's lymphocytes, cells that play a direct role in the reconstruction of the tissue.
Acne. A great source of frustration and decreased self-esteem in both teenagers and adults, acne is unwelcome at its best. When the skin is inflamed due to acne, it often happens that fluid accumulates among the skin cells. The lymph massage favors a faster recovery time, since its drainage effect gradually reduces inflammation.
Fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue. The feather-light, soft treatment can feel like a gift from above for customers suffering from fibromyalgia, and therefore usually experience pain at harder touch. The detox effect can also boost your energy level, helping you feel more alert to today's tasks.

How often should you run lymph massage?

It's up to you to decide how often you want to use lymphatic therapy to boost your lymphatic system, but there are some steps you can follow to determine what will work best for you:

  1. How sedentary is your lifestyle? Keep in mind that regular exercise helps the lymphatic system gain momentum. If you are bedridden, you can really benefit from lymph massage once or twice a week, while you who are a sports fan and constantly on your feet may only need one session every two months.
  2. Are you catching up after a long illness? Then it can be good to help the immune system on the trot with lymph massage three or four times to get the system moving.
  3. Has your metabolism changed significantly in recent times? If the weight loss program worked properly for some time but has since been inhibited, a blocked lymphatic system may be the cause. A comfortable massage will take you away from the stagnant point and allow you to continue to make progress.
  4. Do you often suffer from allergies or colds? Regularly benefiting from lymphatic massage can help you boost your immune system and fight these troublesome ailments.

What to consider before the lymphatic massage

As nice as it is, this treatment is not for everyone. People with heart disease, skin conditions, kidney failure, phlebitis, heart failure or blood clots should be extra careful with this treatment, as it carries a risk of cardiac arrhythmias, blood flow changes and tissue damage. Nevertheless, if your doctor recommends lymphatic massage to you, you can safely enjoy it - as long as you have chosen a professional therapist in a licensed facility, where you can receive adequate medical care in case of emergency. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, eczema or goiter, or if you are undergoing radiotherapy, you should watch out for unpleasant side effects such as pain or bruising.

Lymphatic massage Stockholm & Lund

Owl Massage & Wellness is there for you: If you are looking for professional, knowledgeable therapists who can give you a lymph massage called good enough, here you will find just what you need. A break in your everyday life that will kick-start your lymph flow and, a little at a time, make you feel better and more alert. Surely it is worth investing in your own health and well-being! You can book your treatment directly on the website, or visit one of our clinics.

Click here to see our price list and an instructional video on how to buy clip cards.